For Current Students
Boston College has three graduations each year: May, December, and August. For information on submission of a dissertation, refer to the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences website.
Graduation Deadlines
For those wishing to graduate in either August or December, the deadline for submitting signed and approved copies of theses and dissertations is either August 1 or December 1.
For May graduates, the deadline for submission of signed and approved copies of theses and dissertations is April 1.
Contact the BCC Graduate Studies Committee at
Contact the Associate Director of Administration and Graduate Student Services
Registration & Scheduling
Graduate Studies
For information on or assistance with registering for a graduate course, please contact:
Professor Eranthie Weerapana
Chair, Graduate Chemistry Studies
Merkert 214A
(616) 552-2931
Periodic Table
Using WebElements, a periodic table database.
NIST Fundamental Physical Constants
The values of the basic constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry.
Fundamental Physical Constants / Naturkonstanten
Exponent (base 10) of decimal numbers: e n = 10^n . Units are separated by spaces, positive numbers denote powers, all units to the right of the slash are in the denominator (negative powers).
Planck constant / Plancksches Wirkungsquantum h
6.6260755e-34 J s
h/(2 pi) = 1.05457266e-34 J s
Boltzmann constant / Boltzmannsche Konstante k_B
1.380658e-23 J/K
Elementary charge / Elementarladung e
1.60217733e-19 C
Avogadro number / Avogadrosche Zahl N_A
6.0221367e23 particles/mol
Speed of light / Lichtgeschwindigkeit c
2.99792458e8 m/s
Permeability of vacuum / Permeabilität des Vakuums mu_0
mu_0 = 4 pi e-7 T2 m3/J
12.566370614e-7 T2 m3/J
Permittivity of vacuum / Dielektrizitätskonstante des Vakuums epsilon_0
epsilon_0 = 1 / (mu_0 c^2)
8.854187817e-12 C2/J m
Fine structure constant / Feinstrukturkonstante 1 / alpha
Electron rest mass / Elektronenruhemasse m_e
9.1093897e-31 kg
Proton rest mass / Protonenruhemasse m_p
1.6726231e-27 kg
Neutron rest mass / Neutronenruhemasse m_n
1.6749286e-27 kg
Bohr magneton / Bohrsches Magneton mu_B
mu_B = eh/(4 pi m_e)
9.2740154e-24 J/T
Nuclear magneton / Kernmagneton mu_N
mu_N = eh/(4 pi m_p)
5.0507866e-27 J/T
Free electron g factor / g-Faktor des freien Elektrons g_e
Free electron gyromagnetic ratio / gyromagnetisches Verhältnis des freien Elektrons gamma_e
gamma_e = 2 pi g_e mu_B / h
1.7608592e11 1/s T
gamma_e/(2 pi) = 28.024944 GHz/T
Electron magnetic moment / magnetisches Moment des Elektrons mu_e
mu_e = -(1/2) g_e mu_B
-9.2847701e-24 J/T
Proton gyromagnetic ratio (H2O) / gyromagnetisches Verhältnis der Protonen in Wasser gamma_p
2.67515255e8 1/s T
gamma_p/(2 pi) = 42.576375 MHz/T
Proton magnetic moment / magnetisches Moment des Protons mu_p
1.41060761e-26 J/T
Proton-electron ratios / Proton-Elektron-Verhältnisse
m_p/m_e = 1836.152701
mu_e/mu_p = 658.2106881
gamma_e/gamma_p = 658.2275841 (protons in water)
Charge-to-mass ratio for electron / Ladungs-Masse-Verhältnis des Elektrons e / m_e
1.75880e11 C/kg
Atomic mass unit / Einheit der Atommasse amu
1.66057e-27 kg
Bohr radius / Bohrscher Radius a_0
5.29177e-11 m
Electron radius / Elektronenradius r_e
2.81792e-15 m
Gas constant / Gaskonstante R
R = N_A k_B
8.3143 m2 kg/s2 K mol
Molar volume / Molvolumen V_mol
22.41383 m3/kmol
Faraday constant / Faradaysche Konstante F
F = N_A e
9.64846e4 C/mol
Proton g factor (Lande factor) / g-Faktor des Protons g_H
Gravitational constant / Gravitationskonstante G
6.6732e-11 m3/kg s2
Acceleration due to gravity / Erdbeschleunigung g
9.80665 m/s2
Compton wavelength of the electron / Compton-Wellenlänge des Elektrons lambda_c
lambda_c = h / (m_e c)
2.42631e-12 m
Further Useful Constants / Weitere nützliche Konstanten
Atomic energy unit / atomare Energieeinheit Hartree
1 Hartree = e^2 /(4 pi epsilon_0 a_0)
1 Hartree = 2.625501e+06 J/mol (approx. 627.5 kcal/mol)
Useful Conversion Factors / Nützliche Umrechnungsfaktoren
NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)
Proton Larmor frequency
nu_p = gamma_p/(2 pi) B
nu_p = 42.5764 MHz/T (H2O)
EPR (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, ESR)
Electron Larmor frequency
nu_e = gamma_e/(2 pi) g/g_e B
nu_e [GHz] = 13.9962 g B[T]
g = 0.07144775 nu_e[GHz]/B[T]
g = 3.04199 nu_e[GHz]/nu_p[MHz]
B [T] = 0.0234872 nu_p[MHz]
Conversion of Units
1 G = 0.1 mT
1 T = 10 kG
1 mT = 10 G
A[MHz] = 2.80249 (g/g_e) A[G]
A[MHz] = 28.0249 (g/g_e) A[mT]
A[MHz] = 13.9962 g A[mT]
A[MHz] = 2.99792e4 A[1/cm]
A[1/cm] = 0.333564e-4 A[MHz]
A[1/cm] = 4.66863e-4 g A[mT]
Metric Prefixes
Conversions from a multiple or submultiple to the basic units of meters, liters, or grams can be done using the table. For example, to convert from kilometers to meters, multiply by 1,000 (9.26 kilometers equals 9,260 meters) or to convert from meters to kilometers, multiply by 0.001 (9,260 meters equals 9.26 kilometers).
Prefix | Symbol | Length, weight, or capacity | Area | Volume |
exa | E | 10^18 | 10^36 | 10^54 |
peta | P | 10^15 | 10^30 | 10^45 |
tera | T | 10^12 | 10^24 | 10^36 |
giga | G | 10^9 | 10^18 | 10^27 |
mega | M | 10^6 | 10^12 | 10^18 |
hectokilo | hk | 10^5 | 10^10 | 10^15 |
myria | ma | 10^4 | 10^8 | 10^12 |
kilo | k | 10^3 | 10^6 | 10^9 |
hecto | h | 10^2 | 10^4 | 10^6 |
basic unit | - | 1 meter, 1gram, 1 liter | 1 meter^2 | 1 meter^3 |
deci | d | 10-^1 | 10-^2 | 10-^3 |
centi | c | 10-^2 | 10-^4 | 10-^6 |
milli | m | 10-^3 | 10-^6 | 10-^9 |
decimilli | dm | 10-^4 | 10-^8 | 10-^12 |
centimilli | cm | 10-^5 | 10-^10 | 10-^15 |
micro | u | 10-^6 | 10-^12 | 10-^18 |
nano | n | 10-^9 | 10-^18 | 10-^27 |
pico | p | 10-^12 | 10-^24 | 10-^36 |
femto | f | 10-^15 | 10-^30 | 10-^45 |
atto | a | 10-^18 | 10-^36 | 10-^54 |
Basic Units
length / Länge
meter (British: metre) / Meter: m
mass / Masse
kilogram / Kilogramm: kg
time / Zeit
second / Sekunde: s
electric current / elektrische Stromstärke
ampere / Ampere: A
thermodynamic temperature / thermodynamische Temperatur
kelvin / Kelvin: K
amount of substance / Substanzmenge
mole / Mol: mol
luminous intensity / Lichtstärke
candela / Candela: cd
SI Derived Units / Abgeleitete SI-Einheite
Frequency / Frequenz
hertz: Hz = 1/s
Force / Kraft
newton: N = m kg/s2
Pressure, stress / Druck, mechan. Spannung
pascal: Pa = N/m2 = kg/m s2
Energy, work, quantity of heat / Energie, Arbeit, Wärmemenge
joule: J = N m = m2 kg/s2
Power, radiant flux / Leistung
watt: W = J/s = m2 kg/s3
Quantity of electricity, electric charge / elektrische Ladung
coulomb: C = s A
Electric potential / elektrische Spannung
volt: V = W/A = m2 kg/s3 A
Capacitance / Kapazität
farad: F = C/V = s4 A2/m2 kg
Electric resistance / elektrischer Widerstand
ohm: Omega = V/A = m2 kg/s3 A2
Conductance / elektr. Leitfähigkeit
siemens: S = A/V = s3 A2/m2 kg
Magnetic flux / magnetischer Fluß
weber: Wb = V s = m2 kg/s2 A
Magnetic flux density, magnetic induction / Magnetische Induktion
tesla: T = Wb/m2 = kg/s2 A
Inductance / Induktivität
henry: H = Wb/A = m2 kg/s2 A2
Luminous flux / Lichtstrom
lumen: lm = cd sr
Illuminance / Beleuchtungsstärke
lux: lx = lm/m2 = cd sr/m2
Activity (ionizing radiations) / Radioaktivität
becquerel: Bq = 1/s
Absorbed dose / Absorbierte (Strahlen-)Dosis
gray: Gy = J/kg = m2/s2
Dynamic viscosity / Dynamische Viskosität
pascal second: Pa s = kg/m s
Moment of force / Drehmoment
meter newton: N m = m2 kg/s2
Surface tension / Oberflächenspannung
newton per meter: N/m = kg/s2
Heat flux density, irradiance / Wärmeflußdichte
watt per square meter: W/m2 = kg/s3
Heat capacity, entropy / Wärmekapazität, Entropie
joule per kelvin: J/K = m2 kg/s2 K
Specific heat capacity, specific entropy / Spezifische Wärmekapazität, spezifische Entropie
joule per kilogram kelvin: J/kg K = m2/s2 K
Specific energy / Spezifische Energie
joule per kilogram: J/kg = m2/s2
Thermal conductivity / Thermische Leitfähigkeit
watt per meter kelvin: W/m K = m kg/s3 K
Energy density / Energiedichte
joule per cubic meter: J/m3 = kg/m s2
Electric field strength / Elektrische Feldstärke
volt per meter: V/m = m kg/s3 A
Electric charge density / Elektrische Ladungsdichte
coulomb per cubic meter: C/m3 = s A/m3
Electric displacement, electric flux density / Elektrische Flußdichte
coulomb per square meter: C/m2 = s A/m2
Permittivity / Influenz
farad per meter: F/m = s4 A2/m3 kg
Permeability / Permeabilität
henry per meter: H/m = m kg/s2 A2
Molar energy / Molare Energie
joule per mole: J/mol = m2 kg/s2 mol
Molar entropy, molar heat capacity / Molare Entropie, molare Wärmekapazität
joule per mole kelvin: J/mol K = m2 kg/s2 K mol
Exposure (ionizing radiations) / Exposition
coulomb per kilogram: C/kg = s A/kg
Absorbed dose rate / Absorbierte Dosisrate
gray per second: Gy/s = m2/s3
cgs Units / cgs-Einheiten
1 erg = E-7 J
1 dyn = E-5 N
1 P = 1 dyn s/cm2 = 0.1 Pa s
1 St = 1 cm2/s = E-4 m2/s
1 G = E-4 T
1 Oe = (1000/(4 pi)) A/m
1 Mx = E-8 Wb
1 sb = 1 cd/cm2 = E4 cd/m2
1 ph = E4 lx
Common Equivalent Weights and Measures
Units | Metric Equivalent | U.S. Measures |
acre | 0.404 685 64 hectares | 43,560 feet^2 |
acre | 4,046.8564 meters^2 | 4,840 yards^2 |
acre | 0.004 046 856 4 kilometers^2 | 0.001 562 5 miles^2, statute |
are | 100 meters^2 | 119.599 yards^2 |
barrel, (petroleum, US) | 158.987 29 liters | 42 gallons |
barrel, (proof spirits, US) | 151.416 47 liters | 40 gallons |
barrel, (beer, US) | 117.347 77 liters | 31 gallons |
bushel | 35.239 07 liters | 4 pecks |
cable | 219.456 meters | 120 fathoms |
chain (surveyor's) | 20.116 8 meters | 66 feet |
cord (wood) | 3.624 556 meters^3 | 128 feet^3 |
cup | 0.236 588 2 liters | 8 ounces, liquid (US) |
degrees, Celsius | (water boils at 100 degrees C, freezes at 0 degrees C) | multiply by 1.8 and add 32 to obtain degrees F |
degrees, Fahrenheit | subtract 32 and divide by 1.8 to obtain degrees C | water boils at 212 degrees F, freezes at 32 degrees F |
dram, avdp. | 1.771 845 2 grams | 0.0625 5 ounces, avdp. |
dram, troy | 3.887 934 6 grams | 0.125 ounces, troy |
dram, liquid (US) | 3.696 69 milliliters | 0.125 ounces, liquid |
fathom | 1.828 8 meters | 6 feet |
foot | 30.48 centimeters | 12 inches |
foot | 0.304 8 meters | 0.333 333 3 yards |
foot | 0.000 304 8 kilometers | 0.000 189 39 miles, statute |
foot^2 | 929.030 4 centimeters^2 | 144 inches^2 |
foot^2 | 0.092 903 04 meters^2 | 0.111 111 1 yards^2 |
foot^3 | 28.316 846 592 liters | 7.480 519 gallons |
foot^3 | 0.028 316 847 meters^3 | 1,728 inches^3 |
furlong | 201.168 meters | 220 yards |
gallon, liquid (US) | 3.785 411 784 liters | 4 quarts, liquid |
gill (US) | 118.294 118 milliliters | 4 ounces, liquid |
grain | 64.798 91 milligrams | 0.002 285 71 ounces, advp. |
gram | 1,000 milligrams | 0.035 273 96 ounces, advp. |
hand (height of horse) | 10.16 centimeters | 4 inches |
hectare | 10,000 meters^2 | 2.471 053 8 acres |
hundredweight, long | 50.802 345 kilograms | 112 pounds, avdp. |
hundredweight, short | 45.359 237 kilograms | 100 pounds, avdp. |
inch | 2.54 centimeters | 0.083 333 33 feet |
inch^2 | 6.451 6 centimeters^2 | 0.006 944 44 feet^2 |
inch^3 | 16.387 064 centimeters^3 | 0.000 578 7 feet^3 |
inch^3 | 16.387 064 milliliters | 0.029 761 6 pints, dry |
inch^3 | 16.387 064 milliliters | 0.034 632 0 pints, liquid |
kilogram | 0.001 tons, metric | 2.204 623 pounds, avdp. |
kilometer | 1,000 meters | 0.621 371 19 miles, statute |
kilometer^2 | 100 hectares | 247.105 38 acres |
kilometer^2 | 1,000,000 meters^2 | 0.386 102 16 miles^2, statute |
knot (1 nautical mi/hr) | 1.852 kilometers/hour | 1.151 statute miles/hour |
league, nautical | 5.559 552 kilometers | 3 miles, nautical |
league, statute | 4.828.032 kilometers | 3 miles, statute |
link (surveyor's) | 20.116 8 centimeters | 7.92 inches |
liter | 0.001 meters^3 | 61.023 74 inches^3 |
liter | 0.1 dekaliter | 0.908 083 quarts, dry |
liter | 1,000 milliliters | 1.056 688 quarts, liquid |
meter | 100 centimeters | 1.093 613 yards |
meter^2 | 10,000 centimeters^2 | 1.195 990 yards^2 |
meter^3 | 1,000 liters | 1.307 951 yards^3 |
micron | 0.000 001 meter | 0.000 039 4 inches |
mil | 0.025 4 millimeters | 0.001 inch |
mile, nautical | 1.852 kilometers | 1.150 779 4 miles, statute |
mile^2, nautical | 3.429 904 kilometers^2 | 1.325 miles^2, statute |
mile, statute | 1.609 344 kilometers | 5,280 feet or 8 furlongs |
mile^2, statute | 258.998 811 hectares | 640 acres or 1 section |
mile^2, statute | 2.589 988 11 kilometers^2 | 0.755 miles^2, nautical |
minim (US) | 0.061 611 52 milliliters | 0.002 083 33 ounces, liquid or one-sixtieth of a dram |
ounce, avdp. | 28.349 523 125 grams | 437.5 grains |
ounce, liquid (US) | 29.573 53 milliliters | 0.062 5 pints, liquid |
ounce, troy | 31.103 476 8 grams | 480 grains |
pace | 76.2 centimeters | 30 inches |
peck | 8.809 767 5 liters | 8 quarts, dry |
pennyweight | 1.555 173 84 grams | 24 grains |
pint, dry (US) | 0.550 610 47 liters | .5 quarts, dry |
pint, liquid (US) | 0.473 176 473 liters | 0.5 quarts, liquid |
point (typographical) | 0.351 459 8 millimeters | 0.013 837 inches |
pound, avdp | 453.592 37 grams | 16 ounces, avdp |
pound, troy | 373.241 721 6 grams | 12 ounces, troy |
quart, dry (US) | 1.101 221 liters | 2 pints, dry |
quart, liquid (US) | 0.946 352 946 liters | 2 pints, liquid |
quintal | 100 kilograms | 220.462 26 pounds, avdp. |
rod | 5.029 2 meters | 5.5 yards |
scruple | 1.295 978 2 grams | 20 grains |
section (US) | 2.589 988 1 kilometers^2 | 1 mile^2, statute or 640 acres |
span | 22.86 centimeters | 9 inches |
stere | 1 meter^3 | 1.307 95 yards^3 |
tablespoon | 14.786 76 milliliters | 3 teaspoons |
teaspoon | 4.928 922 milliliters | 0.333 333 tablespoons |
ton, long or deadweight | 1,016.046 909 kilograms | 2,240 pounds, avdp. |
ton, metric | 1,000 kilograms | 2,204.623 pounds, avdp. |
ton, metric | 1,000 kilograms | 32,150.75 ounces, troy |
ton, register | 2.831 684 7 meters^3 | 100 feet^3 |
ton, short | 907.184 74 kilograms | 2,000 pounds, avdp. |
township (US) | 93.239 572 kilometers^2 | 36 miles^2, statute |
yard | 0.914 4 meters | 3 feet |
yard^2 | 0.836 127 36 meters^2 | 9 feet^2 |
yard^3 | 0.764 554 86 meters^3 | 27 feet^3 |
yard^3 | 764.554 857 984 liters | 201.974 gallons |
Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis
Angewandte Chemie: International Edition
BBA: Gene Structure and Expression
BBA: Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids
BBA: Molecular Basis of Disease
BBA: Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology
Chemical Society Journal. Dalton Transactions
Chemical Society Journal. Perkin Transactions 1
Chemical Society Journal. Perkin Transactions 2
Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology B: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Coordination Chemistry Reviews
European Journal of Biochemistry
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
European Journal of Organic Chemistry
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science
Journal of Chemical Research: Synopses
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry
New England Journal of Medicine
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Radiation Physics and Chemistry